We are pleased to announce the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Paul Towne, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships at CARE as our Practitioner in Residence on October 7, 2014
Paul Towne is senior director of strategic partnerships at CARE for ICT accounts, helping companies develop innovative partnerships which leverage corporate assets (cash, inkind, talent) to impact issues of global poverty. Previously, Paul was director of corporate partnerships at Points of Light Institute, responsible for cultivating corporate relationships, promoting giving, and developing customized volunteer programs.
Prior to joining Points of Light, he was client manager with IBM, serving as account manager for non-profit organizations in Georgia. Paul has a BA in Psychology from Nazareth College and an MBA from Emory University with concentrations in marketing and international business.
DIL’s Practitioner in Residence program connects innovators on the UC Berkeley campus with a wide range of experts from industry, non-profits, government, and social enterprises for one-on-one consultation and mentorship.